At the heart of his association involvement madness, Thierry, our favourite FCO (flying creative officer), just came up with a new whim: setting up a festival dedicated to independent European video games, and if possible not too far from BiP offices… so that for once, our teams won’t have to take a 15 hours flight!
Announced for the 2nd and 3rd July next, the European Indie Game Days will be a two days meeting dedicated to independent European video games. Supported by the SNJV (national video game lobby, Thierry is its vice-president) and co-organised by the Mediterranean trans-media pole(PRIMI, Thierry is as well its vice-president) and Gamesud, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regional video game professionals association (Thierry is President! ), the event will take place at La Cartonnerie in Marseille. The festival is also organized in association with aMaze, a German festival, where you could also cross our tireless FCO’s path!
As he explains in an interview: “we all became independents [studios], digitisation and internet gave creative studios a chance to distribute their creations differently”… So, he is prepared to tell every possible lie to attract people to its native South of France!
On the agenda: conferences on creativity and innovation, as well as on some duller subjects such as distribution, marketing, law… Sadly, we are not allowed to reveal more than that. Or maybe, a quick info we heard: Thierry has invited an old acquaintance, Jeff Minter from Llamasoft, whom he hasn’t met in 20 years! We can only hope that it doesn’t end up as a dinosaurs’ meeting…
On the edge of the fair, the EIGD awards will be held, an unquestionable proof that our FCO and his mates are completely megalomaniac!!!
For more info, please check the event official website: